Monday, June 15, 2009

the general

its finally summer in toronto. lindsay gets here thursday, when she leaves on sunday jaimee and alex get here, when they leave jess and kelly come. then i leave with them to go back for the 4th of july. instead of taking the greyhound home my fam is bringing me back and staying for 3 days. so today is the start of four very crazy/busy weeks. so ready for this

i heard dispatch's song the general coming from a passing car today. it reminded me of spring break in ft.lauderdale a couple years ago. although things have changed and friendships are different now it was still one of the best weeks ive ever had. i so need another trip like that soon

i locked the keys in the car on the way down and these boys couldnt have cared less. we went to the beach and figured it out later. best road trip of my life

Sunday, June 14, 2009

some more oldies

Here's a few more pictures I've taken since moving here all the way back in October. It actually feels like these were taken a few weeks ago.

Being away for Thanksgiving was super hard,but thankfully the girls took care of me. Watched the parade, made a feast, saw a movie, and went to a fundraiser concert. Perfect

Our Thanksgiving feast with the Water's family fruit salad recipe front and center
Stevie, Me, Gen, and Victoria- at our christmas party. Made skyline dip for the Canadians, its now their new favorite thing

My first Canadian snow. I thought this was bad, it wasnt, at all. Seriously why in the world would I choose to move here in October just when the winters starting? I was clearly not thinking when I made that decision. I discovered that walking in snow is my least favorite thing in the world. Worse than walking in sand, because duh its wet and cold.The view of the CN tower from my street. amazing amazing amazing

everyones doing it

So I started a blog, partly because I've become obsessed with them lately, partly because I want my friends and family in Cincinnati to get a glimpse of my life in Toronto. So here it goes. I currently dont have a working camera so I thought I'd post a few pictures I took right before I left or since moving here.
My sister-the cutest human being you wish you could meet
We went to Kabuto for my going away dinner....
And convinced them that it was all three of our birthdaysGoodbye Cincinnati

My first night in Toronto was nuit blanche, an all night art festival all over the city. It was a great welcoming to the beautiful city I've fallen in love with.

O Canada you're so stereotypical