Sunday, July 19, 2009

domesticated bitch

its been awhile, i was hoping to get a camera, but instead lost the besties and had to buy him one. gavin had a party friday and i ended up being the wife, making food and pie and feeding people jello. which caused jenny to call me a domesticated bitch, which i see as quite a compliment..and pretty true. let me list the reason why

1. im obsessed with food blogs. and want to make everything on them/go to every restaurant mentioned. my favorites are green and crunchy , and che che check em out.

2. i consider myself a queen of cooking for crowds. i mean who else could make sushi for 70 high schoolers in a short period of time?
or know how much exactly to buy for a crowd of 30-70 people once a month?
this pictures was taken at 2 am, all night grocery stores are my best friends

3. i love love love clothes and shoes and shopping, but i love nothing more than to grocery shop. walking through grocery store aisles and reading ingrediants and labels distresses me. i know, its weird. i worked at Wholesome Market when i first moved to toronto and it was a dream come true. Jungle Jim's is my heaven. can seriously spend a full day in there.

4. on a my first trip to ikea i realized my obsession with kitchens and kitchen gadgets. i dont care about the rest of my future house, as long as it has a beautiful kitchen and is filled with amazing things.

i want

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